Sunday, November 13, 2016

Using Adjectives to Improve Our Writing!

An adjective is a word or phrase that describes a particular quality or attribute of a noun. For example:
                        The leaves on the tree were bright and yellow.

In this example, the “leaves” are the noun and “bright and yellow” are the adjectives that describe the leaves.

Traverse (v) – to travel along or across
Carved (v) – cut into something to make a design
Reclaimed (v) – to take back
Simultaneously (adv.) – at the same time
Veered (v) - change direction suddenly
Serene (adj.) - peaceful
Densely (adv.) – a large amount in a small area
Chaotic (adj.) - confusion and disorder
Funneled (v) – to go from a wide area to a narrow area

Running with Adjectives!

            In my opinion, one of the hardest, yet most interesting sports is Cross Country. Cross Country is a running sport, but instead of running around and around a long looping and boring track, runners traverse through a course that is carved into a natural setting. When I ran Cross Country, the courses were typically paths that veered in and out of wooded areas. Occasionally the path was hard to make out because nature and all its elements had reclaimed it. Although it made it difficult to race on, it was simultaneously a beautiful and serene sight.

Image result for running cross country

        My favorite course was the course located in the enormous Van Cortlandt Park. The course was two and half miles, but always felt longer. I always thought this because it was very easy to become lost in the beauty of nature during the cool, crisp autumn months. The course began in a densely crowded area with thousands of other racers awaiting the start of their race. The noise was loud and the scene tended to be a bit chaotic, but with the crack of the starting gun, Boom!” it was off to the races. As the crowd of racers funneled down the course, further and further away from the starting line, the loud and chaotic scene was gone and the serenity of nature took over. The only noises now were the crackling of dried leaves and sticks beneath the racers feet and the heavy breathing of racers as they made their way to the finish line.

Vocabulary Activity:
Using at least six out of the nine vocabulary words above, write a personal narrative of an experience in your life. Be aware of using the correct tense. Underline the vocabulary words that you use.

Build the Skill!

The paragraph below is boring and has very few adjectives. Rewrite the paragraph to include more adjectives! The more interesting, the better!!!
Image result for paragraph without adjectives

1 comment:

  1. I love the "Build the Skill" activity that you chose. Providing the students with a pre-written sentences will allow them to focus on building the skill of enhancing their writing with adverbs.
